Monday, April 20, 2009

To the Dump

Little known fact about me: I love going to the dump. There's something kind of cleansing about it, and it's the only place where you can take big, heavy things and just throw them. (Forgot to take pic - this is from Google).

Yesterday we loaded up the back of my CRV with junk. Some of the fabulous items we selected for this trip were: an old pool filter, a dented hood and fender, some worn out folding chairs, and some other odds and ends.

Bridget and I made the drive to Diamond Springs, where our county dump is. Evidently, the county (or someone) has a sense of humor, and the dump is located on Throwita Way (accent on throw). Ha!

My love of the dump goes back to when I was a little girl, and got to go with my Dad when we cleaned out the garage. The smell! The seagulls! The flinging of stuff!

What's not to like?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

St. Pauli Girl and the Yellow Ribbon Fund

I'm not much of a beer drinker, and I don't think I've ever had a St. Pauli, but they're doing a good thing. All you have to do is go to their site, St. Pauli Girl, and download this poster of said girl. If you look closely, you'll see she's wearing a WristStrong bracelet.

St. Pauli Girl will make a donation for every Poster download to the Yellow Ribbon Fund, benefitting injured U.S. soldiers and their families. Oh, and did I mention it's free?

Good on you, St. Pauli Girl, for jumping on the Colbert WristStrong bandwagon. Now, everyone, go click!

It's Peep Time!

For all peeple who love them some Peeps, it's time again for the Washington Post Peep Diorama contest,

Every year I forget all about this, so it's a nice Easter surprise. The one to the left was the winner, but go check out all the entries. Peeple are so creative! Maybe one year I'll put together one myself. It looks like fun.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I've Always Wanted to Learn to Tango

Jim and I have taken some ballroom classes in the past, but they never offered the Tango. This cat is sure doing a nice job.
Wut class he take? Can I take?
I love the LOLCats. This one reminds me of our cat, Ginger.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Guess I'm Officially Old

I spent most this weekend with my daughter in our quest for a dress for prom. The one to the left isn't it, but we did find a wonderful, pastel pink prom gown. She had tried on a number of gowns, when I saw the one she ended up with. When I asked her to try it on, she told me, "Heck, no." I told her she had to try it on, so she did.

Anyway, the woman sitting next to me, waiting for her daughter, said to me, "That will look great on your granddaughter(!). OMG, it's official. I must be old. Damn it. I did manage to turn to her and tell her she was my daughter. Maybe she felt bad, because she didn't say anything back to me. Or she's deaf.

On the plus side, Bridget got the beautiful pink gown, with shoes and earrings to go with it. She'll be gorgeous at prom. One other cool thing that Tres Chic Boutique does, is that the owner wrote down the dress, and Bridget's school, so no one else will be wearing that dress to her prom. I thought that was pretty great.

So much for my previous post from last weekend where I had beautiful skin. I'm going downhill fast, I guess.